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Fluid Mechanics Lab

Fluid Mechanics Lab


Basic knowledge about fluid mechanics is required in various areas of water/air resources engineering such as designing hydraulic structures and turbomachinery. The Fluid mechanics laboratory is designed to enhance mechanical engineering students’ understanding and knowledge of experimental methods and the basic principle of fluid mechanics and apply those concepts in practice.


  1. Develop state of the art facilities related to mechanical manufacturing and fabrication.

  2. Attract highly qualified student to the department.

  3. Widen the scope of research and education of department of Mechanical Engineering

  4. Produce quality human resources of high standard in mechanical engineering who can contribute favorably to the technological and social, economic development of the nation

Teaching objectives

The Fluid mechanics lab provides students with an overview of eleven different fluid mechanics laboratory experiments and their practical applications.

  1. Understand the fluid and solid mechanics concepts and principles.

  2. Familiar with the principles, structures and test methods of various experimental equipment.

  3. Acquired skills for fluid experimental procedure, data collection and presenting results


Teaching course

Course names Mechanical Engineering Lab (2)
Course type Department required course
Credit / Hours 1 / 3
Number of students Max. 40 students
Instructor Yun Chang

Lets learn more about our instructor

Assistant Professor (Lab Leader)

Professor Yun Chang