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Material Engineering Lab

Material Engineering Lab


The lab session is designed to give the students hands-on experience with the equipment, methods, and procedures of materials testing. This lab deals with material testing, in order to give some help in acquiring the overall picture for mechanical engineering materials behavior and property under testing. For each test, a brief treatment of the fundamentals included is well understood. The practical issue of each test will be fully discussed to yield the goal of this lab at a high level of standards


  1. Develop state of the art facilities related to mechanical manufacturing and fabrication.

  2. Attract highly qualified student to the department.

  3. Widen the scope of research and education of department of Mechanical Engineering

  4. Produce quality human resources of high standard in mechanical engineering who can contribute favorably to the technological and social, economic development of the nation

Teaching objectives

The main purpose of this course is to use various test equipment to test and inspect engineering materials. Understanding the characteristics and mechanical properties of engineering materials.

Material experiment content includes tensile hardness test, tensile test, shear test, bending test, fatigue test, abrasion test, impact test, heat treatment, metallographic experiment and microscope observation.
The course objectives are:

  1. Understand the mechanical properties of various materials

  2. Understanding the process and technique material testing machines.

  3. Familiar with the production method of metallographic test piece and microscope structure.

  4. Understand the relationship between heat treatment, mechanical properties, and metallographic microstructure.

  5. Understand the test procedure, data collection and result report.

Teaching course

Course names Mechanical Engineering Lab (1)
Course type Department required course
Credit / Hours 1 / 3
Number of students Max. 40 students
Instructor Ming-Hsiang Chen

Lets learn more about our instructor

Assistant Professor (Lab Leader)

Professor Ming-Hsiang Chen